Voŭk is Princex Citrus's royal guard. Unlike Citrus, he's a lot more upbeat and outgoing and has a thirst for adventure. He loves nature and all the creatures that roam Albireo 7, but especially the mondheulers; wolf-like creatures that roam the mountains and forests of the Middle Region.
Like the very mondheulers he loves dearly, he is very tenacious and loyal, while also having a playful side. He's extremely affectionate with his loved ones, but especially Citrus, whom he has sworn to protect with every ounce of his being. They become more romantically into each other over time.
Voŭk's beloved companion, a tamed mondheuler named "Siabar" (Belarusian for "friend")
Voŭk met his belovec ompanion before he was desginated to be a guardian of the Middle Region Kingdom - he saw the little mondheuler pup alone after a freak accident happened to its mother. The teen took the pup in and handfed it. The two formed a strong bond from years of being each others' side, and now Voŭk runs a sanctuary for mondheuler rehabilation. These dog-like creatures happily romp around nearby forests and mountains and are good pest control.
Also yes he is a complete ripoff of Crunchy Chip Cookie with elements of Belarus's 2016 Eurovision entry. My friend Marcus also has a shitposty AU where he is an Albirean-Doise hybrid and it's funny.
Esme's Cringe Hell
A convienent little place for my OCs, and even AU designs if I make them. Art by both me and others (with credit) will be provided. I'm not really an OC writer as I mostly focus on fanart, but I still love my lil' guys.